Uniform Justice by KJ Sutherland

okay people, this is NOT a drill. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

this book was an ARC from the author, which I am so ever grateful for because I now have a new favorite series!!! AND it releases this week, so y’all can grab your own!

I picked this book up late a few nights ago, read til I fell asleep, and finished it before dinner the next night. Storm DeVries has me HOOKED from the jump and I actually think I might have a crush on her 🙈

I have not stopped thinking about this book since for the past two days, I am HUNGRY for the rest of the series coming from @kjsutherlandbooks. the author’s real life experiences in the exact field she writes about shines through; everything felt so realistic and well-informed, but not to the point where you average civilian (me) would feel lost when reading. quite the contrary actually — I feel like I learned quite a bit of Air Force and legal jargon while I read, which led to me to text my bestie in the Air Force to show off a little (sry Bry lmao)

Storm is strong, quick-witted, and honestly just real as fuck. She’s cool, and you have to admire her passion for what she does while also finding a way to carve out her own path and swim against the current. But every other character in this book is written just as well; they’re all nuances and KJ introduces the reader to a lot of different sides of the characters here. It truly gave me everything I could want in a fast-paced mystery about a potential government coverup after a gnarly airplane crashes overseas in France. I mean, come ON!!!

If you like Law & Order and other shows like that, you’ll eat this book up the same way I did. I was actually watching that show the other night with my mom and we had a discussion about how so much of that show explores the gray area of law and order and all that jazz, and this book was the perfect pairing for that conversation. A lot of it is black and white, but it’s the morally gray characters and situations that keep us coming back for more. And KJ gives us all of that and more.

I highly recommend checking out Uniform Justice for all my crime/law/order fans out there. KJ, I am DYING for the rest of the series so holler at me when you’re done 😂🫶🏻

Originally posted on @wowshecanread

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